Well, hey there. Glad to know you're interested enough to click on the About link. My friends would be asking right now, "Why in the world does he need an About link? What don't we know already?" Well, I like to imagine there's random people reading my blog, either from the Recently Updated links on the blogger.com frontpage, or from my I Wuz Here marks I've been leaving in other people's blogs I've found via the aforementioned link. Oh, and "bookflap"? You know how on the inside of the cover, on the flap of the jacket, the author may write a little "About the Author" bit? No? Ehh, maybe the imagery doesn't carry over so well.
Anyway, I'm 23 years old, hailing from Phoenix, Arizona. (Southeast Phoenix, mind you... nothing up north or on the mountain. I've got a modest 1-bedroom place on 44th Street about a mile north of the 202.) I'm the head trainer as well as the de facto secretary/treasurer/vice president, etc. for our family business, Arivada Kennels, a greyhound kennel. My dad owns the business, but in mid-December '02 he moved to Wheeling, WV to open up a new branch of our kennel up there (I blogged about it, naturally). He's only going to be gone for six to nine months (we think), but while he's gone I'm completely in charge here in Phoenix. Now, I was "in charge" in Tucson, but I add the "completely" because now I don't have to check with the boss first before making business decisions anymore, like moving dogs between Phoenix and Apache, ordering more checks, things like that.
What? Tucson? Yes, I lived in Tucson from April '00 (three days after my 19th birthday, I was running our operation down there) until we closed that up at the end of 2002, and I moved back home. REALLY back home... I moved back in with my parents when I came back, with the intention of only rooming there for a few weeks (I put all of my furnishings in a Lock-It Locker) while I found a place up here. Well, free rent and free laundry (and free food, if you don't mind my mom's veggies-are-important-too cooking) being what they are, I ended up getting awful lethargic on the apartment search and stayed at home for three months. As my birthday approached, though, I came to the realization that I was about to be 22 and was sharing a bunk bed with my little brother. That, and the fact that my sister had been apartment-hunting with her boyfriend as well and had found this place with a deal I couldn't pass up, spurred me to get the ball rolling. So, here I go again, on my own.
About the blog? Well, I had started to put blog-like entries on my main page, but it had started to get cluttered, mainly because there was no rhyme or reason to the scheme of it... I was just tacking them on to the top of the page. After a while, I went and got myself a bona fide blog, which of course you were just looking at before you came to this page. It's become a place for me to post all of the myriad things running through my head at the moment, which is dangerous, because that's usually a lot of stuff. But it's been quite therapeutic for me to have somewhere to spew everything. My friends come by occasionally and give their thoughts in the pop-up-window Forums, which if you're some random visitor, I certainly hope you'd leave your mark on. (I'd compare it to "signing the guestbook," but that's so late-'90s-personal-webpage.)
TFG? The Fat Guy. I don't think I'll ever lose that moniker... mainly because I'm tfg46 at EVERYplace on the Net (46 is my lucky number)... no matter how much weight I lose, of which I'm currently working on. I won't say how much, since I don't check very often. But I'm on a hot new diet plan... I call it Eat Less. It seems to work okay.
I just (finally!) got done redoing my main page as a photo album of sorts. My old page (now titled TFGWeb Oldweb) has moved off to another URL and is "sealed off for posterity," as I put it. The new TFGWeb is at the same address, and therein you can find plenty of pictures of me. You can go back to the Entryway or click here to get to it.
My friends
Burchworld (Mark) The one, the original, the guy who blogged first, unless someone else wants credit
radiate112 (Lindsay)
Slightly Deranged (Rick)
My 'deep' thoughts... (Brittany)
Katie's Rant (Katie)
No Confines (Nick)
My mother is not a hamster! (Becky)
Systematic Insanity: blog stuff (Steve) Site is down...
The inner workings of a blonde mind... (Ashley)
My friendly crosspollinated random contacts (notable blogs worth a read)
About a Red Girl (Angie) Singapore
annika's journal (Annika) Los Angeles
neveratossBlog (Stevan) Somewhere in England
/</\/ [kenoble] \/\>\ (Ken) Somewhere in Cali
BEANWIAB: Bert, Ernie, and Napoleon walk into a bar... (a bunch of guys) Moab, UT
Not your average Joey (Joey of the un-average persuasion) Tampa
That's it! Go back to the blog.